Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Appliances
Do you, does your partner, or do your parents or friends suffer from loud snoring? Do you ever wake up feeling tired the whole day? If so, you may be suffering from sleep apnoea.
Many different snoring and sleep apnoea appliance designs are available, each with their individual pros and cons.
These appliances work by advancing the position of your lower jaws, to enlarge the airway opening. This allows superior air flow to reduce or prevent snoring altogether. The superior air flow also results in greater oxygenation of the brain, so that you wake up feeling refreshed, free from tiredness and fatigue. These appliances can give both you and your partner a great night's sleep!
Please contact us for a consultation regarding the role of intra-oral dental appliances in the management of snoring and sleep apnoea. We can work in conjunction with your medical practitioner, your respiratory physician, and your ear nose throat surgeon to manage your condition. |