Advice for Parents
Dentistry can be a frightening experience for young children.
When a young child visits a dentist without special interest in children, and without appropriate children's facilities like nitrous oxide equipment etc, it becomes a bad experience with lasting negative memories for the child, so it becomes very difficult for us at subsequent visits, to re-treat the young child by conventional techniques, without having to resort to the use of a full-on general anaesthetic in a private hospital.
So please keep this in mind, and encourage other parents to give their children a good start to dentistry.
At Mt Ommaney Dental, our dentist has nearly 30 years experience in dealing with children and the disabled, and Mt Ommaney Dental also has the full range of equipment, and skills needed in the management of children and the disabled patient.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation & General Anaesthetics
Nitrous oxide sedation, and even full general anaesthetic is available for apprehensive children.
Click here to go to details on Sedation & General Anaesthetics.
Deep Decay & Root Canal Infection
The top left quarter-sized photo shows deep decay. Unfortunately, sometimes bacteria has already infected deep into the hollow centre core of the baby teeth - called the pulp. From the pulp, the infection may spread into the root canals. Yet often, even at this stage, the patient may feel NO pain at all, and may be totally unaware, as in this case.
Pulpotomy (Root Canal) & Restoration (Filling)
A pulpotomy can be understood as root canal treatment in baby teeth. The two lower quarter-sized photographs show the pulpotomy procedure. While the top left quarter-sized photograph in the top right corner shows how this tooth is then restored with a beautiful composite resin restoration. This patient will need to retain this baby tooth till roughly 9-14 years of age, when the permanent successor erupts, otherwise orthodontic crowding is more likely to occur. Stainless Steel Crowns In some situations, children's baby teeth can be heavily damaged. In these cases, a stainless steel crown is used to cap the teeth, to prolong the life of the baby tooth, till the baby tooth is naturally shed roughly between 9 to 14 years of age. This will help to prevent orthodontic crowding problems.
Removal of Baby Teeth (extractions) As a last resort, baby teeth can be removed. At Mt Ommaney Dental, this can be painlessly performed under local anaesthetic, nitrous oxide sedation, or even general anaesthetic. Please enquire within. |